Block A, Sunninghill Place, 9 Simba Road, Sunninghill, 2191

Syspro image

Doug Hunter

29th March 2019


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Full Name: Doug Hunter

Position: Manager: professional services, SYSPRO Africa

Main Activity of the Company: Business, information technology, marketing and sales, and consulting and support services

Date and Place of Birth: June 30 (before the first moon landing), Glasgow, Scotland

Education: BSc (mechanical engineering and production management), Glasgow University, 1976; Runge effective leadership in manufacturing,Oxford University, 1982; part-time MBA, Wits Business School, 1991 – I am also certified in production and inventory management and integrated resource management by the Association for Supply Chain Management

First Job: Assistant superintendent, Weir Pumps, Glasgow Scotland

Career History Prior to Current Position: Industrial engineer at Weir Pumps, 1979; machine shop planning manager, Babcock Power, Glasgow, 1984; planning and factory manager, James Howden, Johannesburg, 1985; manufacturing implementation consultant, Hewlett-Packard South Africa, 1986; GM, Dorbyl Pipe Couplings, 1990 to 1994; owner and director of supply chain consultancy Outsource Services, 1994 to 1999; supply chain management product manager from 1999 to 2003 and head of presales in 2013, SAP Africa

Size of First Pay Packet: £330 a month

First Job with Present Group: Consultant to MD

Value of Assets under your Control: Invaluable – because the assets are people

Number of People under Your Leadership: 40-plus

Management Style: Open, collaborative/consultative, results-driven, fair

Personal Best Achievement: My daughter, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, participating in the Duzi

Professional Best Achievement: Doubling output with the same workforce in one year

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Life: My wife and my daughter

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Career: The customer standing in front of me, as well as Billy Connelly – for his views on life

Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Gwyneth Paltrow, Donald Trump, Michael Jackson

Businessperson Who Has Impressed You Most: Ricardo Semler, Ferruccio Lamborghini

Philosophy of Life: You reap what you sow; do not waste knowledge; be part of the solution, not the problem

Biggest Ever Opportunity: Dinner with Gwyneth Paltrow

Biggest Ever Disappointment: Gwyneth said no

Hope for the Future: That I create enough wealth for my family to live a fair life and that I help create and spread wealth in the communities I touch

Favourite Reading: Graham Greene, Arthur Miller, Ken Follett and comedy scripts

Favourite TV Programme: Ben Fogel’s Where the Wild Men Are

Favourite Food/Drink: Real beer, malt whisky

Favourite music: 70s and 80s rock, jazz and anything with a soulful beat

Favourite Sport: Mountain biking, hiking and yachting (dodging Johannesburg taxis)

Favourite Website: Google

Hobbies: Cycling, writing, spending time with family and friends, malt whisky tasting

Car: Toyota Prado, but it will be a Lamborghini

Pets: Dogs

Miscellaneous Dislikes: Arrogance and selfishness

Favourite Other South African Company: Spar

Favourite Foreign Company: Bruichladdich Distillery

Married: Yes, since November 1986

Children: Cayley, 26

Clubs: Used only if I am attacked

Edited by Martin Zhuwakinyu
Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor


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