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ERP software provider SYSPRO gives employees a well-deserved 8000-hour break

11th August 2021


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With burnout, anxiety and ongoing pandemic-related stress on the rise, SYSPRO, a global provider of industry-built ERP software, has encouraged staff members to take a well-deserved break by offering a free leave opportunity.  With 500 global employees across the Americas, EMEA and APAC, this will amount to an 8000-hour break in total.

Research shows that fatigue,  burnout and employee anxiety has been exacerbated by the global pandemic. According to the recent Employee Burnout Report by Indeed, over half (52%) of survey respondents are experiencing burnout in 2021—up from the 43% who said the same in Indeed’s pre-Covid-19 survey.  A big reason cited for increasing levels of anxiety was a lack of clear boundaries between the workplace and home and workers’ struggle with work-life balance.

According to Terence Moolman, Chief Human Resources Officer at SYSPRO,  “The world could not have anticipated the full magnitude of the pandemic, nor the unprecedented change that has affected every aspect of our daily lives. In order to operate as a high performing organization, our talented people need to thrive. We therefore recognize how the health and well-being of our employees is paramount.”

In addition to encouraging work-life-balance, SYSPRO has also encouraged employees to donate time and money towards the SYSPRO UPlift fund and the business has matched any contributions that employees made towards the fund. The fund was established  for SYSPRO employees to create a positive real-world impact in three key CSR areas, namely Skills Development, Community and Environment. The fund has provided financial support to the SYSPRO ecosystem, including employees, customers and partners, who have been impacted by the pandemic.

“Since the start of the pandemic, SYSPRO has been guided by three key principles: 1. The prioritization of employee safety and wellness;  2. Ensuring continued services for our customers and partners within global manufacturing and distribution operations; and 3. Ensuring ongoing business growth and sustainability. Within each and every decision that we have taken as a business, we have never compromised on the safety of our employees. Quite simply, without our employees we would not survive. Given the emotional toll of the pandemic and with a commitment to winning together, we believe that rest and rejuvenation is in order,” concludes Moolman.

Edited by Creamer Media Reporter


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