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ESG – Do you have eyes in the back of your head?

2nd July 2024


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By Caroline Carter

If, like most of us, you don’t actually have eyes in the back of your head – listen up!

Designing, structuring, defining and implementing a successful ESG Strategy is by nature (excuse the pun) Forward-Looking. It has to be, given that its purpose is to change behaviours to protect the future. The intentions behind it are to improve and enhance ourselves, and our businesses behaviours to safeguard the environment, ensure people are treated with respect and care, and to orchestrate organisations in such a way that all activities are transparent, above-board and in service of ALL stakeholders, right?

Very noble goals, indeed! However, with every step you take forward, your instructions are left behind with someone else to execute. How do you KNOW they are doing it correctly, and at the standard and quality of work in every task you would expect from yourself?

Is TRUST and HOPE enough? Or do you need guidance to select and setup a system that not only monitors those actions, but ENSURES they are done as expected.

If you implement a globally proven, fully customizable software system with the right guidance (that only experience can bring) that allows you the ability not only to PROVE that every task, every work-flow, every transaction is aligned with your strategic goals, you won’t need eyes in the back of your head. You will be able to see these details in near real-time, which allows you to take appropriate action will in time with agility and total transparency at every level of the organization.

On 1 August, 2024, hosted by The Southern African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (SAIMM), we will be unpacking methods to enable transparency and agility in real-world scenarios faced by Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Mining companies, and show how, with the right guidance and tools, you need not second-guess intentions vs actions.

Remember, the Devil’s in the Details…

Join our Panel of experts for an interactive workshop on how best to do this. We will be joined by:

Alexandra Russel, Sasol Group Risk Officer, expert in Sustainable Development and Corporate Strategy, Corporate Governance, Risk, Compliance and Value Chain Management, Health and Safety, member of ACOHS;

Michael Judin, a member of the King Committee responsible for the writing of King IV, South Africa's Corporate Governance Code, Chairman of the Conscious Leadership Academy, member of the International Bar Association and an associate member of the American Bar Association

Yugen Pillay, with 25 years’ experience, majority of which as Lead Partner / Director Business Consulting at SNG Grant Thornton, current MD of SusTrainability Development Global (SDG), specialising in Sustainability, the United Nations Sustainable Developments Goals and ESG.

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Edited by Creamer Media Reporter


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