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Schneider Electric completes EcoAct acquisition

14th December 2023


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Electrical automation and equipment company Schneider Electric has finalised the acquisition of climate consulting and solutions company EcoAct, which is headquartered in Paris, France.

The completion of the transaction follows consultation with the relevant employee representative bodies and approval from the competent regulatory authorities.

EcoAct’s portfolio of net-zero and nature-based products and services, including consulting, climate data tools and carbon offset project development, will expand and accelerate Schneider Electric’s global Sustainability Business.

The acquisition represents the coming together of two best-in-class organisations to accelerate business solutions that deliver value for both climate and clients, Schneider Electric said.

Schneider Electric’s global sustainability business provides advisory services in the areas of energy management, energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmental commodity procurement, sustainability and net-zero consulting, climate risk, sustainability communications, and reporting and disclosure.

"The joining of the two organisations expands Schneider Electric’s capabilities to provide end-to-end solutions that lead organisations through the net-zero transformation and beyond.

"The company’s advisory services support the development of sustainability strategy and target setting through to decarbonisation across Scope 1, 2, and 3, enhanced by its artificial intelligence-led portfolio of digital and data management tools," Schneider Electric said.

“We have long admired the team at EcoAct, and bringing our two organisations together will help us to accelerate the ability to serve our clients all over the world,” said Schneider Electric sustainability business president Steve Wilhite.

“Companies understand the urgency to act, but continue to face complexities when it comes to decarbonisation. I’m confident that our combined best-in-class teams will help our clients to accelerate towards their net-zero ambitions.”

“Urgent climate action is at the heart of our mission, and I know we have found the right partner in Schneider Electric,” said EcoAct CEO Stuart Lemmon.

“EcoAct's own demonstrated commitments to net-zero in its own operations and for its clients speaks loudly in the market, and our EcoActors are excited to join together with another leading advisory team, putting climate and nature centre stage to accelerate sustainable corporate transformation,” he said.

Meanwhile, Schneider Electric and cybersecurity and cloud company the Atos Group have established a foundation for a strategic partnership on decarbonisation by combining technology and sustainability expertise to build products and solutions that enhance their customers’ paths to net-zero, Schneider Electric said.

Edited by Chanel de Bruyn
Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor Online


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