The Endurance Series pyrometer from R&C Instrumentation
SPONSORED POST: High temperature ratio pyrometers are designed to be rugged and flexible, enabling continuous visual process monitoring in harsh industrial environments, including primary and secondary metals manufacturing, carbon processing and silicon production.
Endurance Series pyrometers from R&C Instrumentation provide a robust solution for manufacturers seeking to improve product quality and uniformity, reduce reject rates, maximise throughput and minimise energy costs. They are designed to offer superior optical resolution up to 150:1, for viewing critical process operations, as well as tools to analyse production data.
Multiple lens, sighting and focus options are available for different mounting distance and sighting needs. For example, on-board camera video sighting by means of ethernet ensures the sensor is sighted properly for remote and control-room viewing. On-board laser sighting can be used to verify process alignment for local viewing when the sensor is located in a hard-to-reach area. On-board light-emitting-diode (LED) sighting allows the user to view the actual spot size projected on the target.
The pyrometers are also versatile and easy to install. The instruments’ temperature range covers an entire process with fewer units. The sensors operate with either Power over Ethernet or Direct Current power and interface to various bus systems, including ethernet, profinet and RS-485. An intuitive rear-panel user-interface aims to simplify navigation. Computer-based Endurance setup and monitoring software helps to simplify configuration and deployment and a built-in Web server enables archiving of historical data for traceability and process troubleshooting. In addition, all Endurance Series pyrometers are offered with a best-in-class four-year warranty.
The SpotScan line scanning accessory enables measurement over a larger target object compared to a single spot. The accessory features a scanning mechanism that enables users to gather temperature data over a larger area on the target.
The accessory also helps to optimise the performance of infrared (IR) thermometers in applications ranging from metals processing and induction heating, to carbon graphite production. It is particularly suited for Web and conveyor hot spot or cold spot monitoring.
With the SpotScan accessory, industrial facilities can continue to utilise the advanced optics of Fluke Process Instruments’ IR temperature sensors to achieve small spot sizes on the measurement target, but also ‘spot sweep’ over the target to see a larger area, allowing for additional information to be obtained on critical production processes. Users can see a hot spot over a larger area and continuously monitor the analog output for temperature variations that exceed defined limits.