Macpherson commits to transparent DPWI, cooperation for infrastructure-led development

23rd July 2024 By: Schalk Burger - Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor

Macpherson commits to transparent DPWI, cooperation for infrastructure-led development

Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Dean Macpherson

Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Dean Macpherson, in an address to the National Council of Provinces on July 23, committed to ensuring that his department is transparent so as to build public trust and be held accountable to deliver infrastructure-led development.

"We want to bring new hope to the country and see the department play a leading role in facilitating a resurgence of economic growth through infrastructure-led development.

"This ambitious project requires all hands on deck, especially from provincial and local government representatives. There have been positive responses in the built environment industry and stakeholders to the plan to turn South Africa into a construction site," he said.

Success relies on the cooperation of all stakeholders to build the country. Macpherson said he plans to build new partnerships with stakeholders, including in the private sector, to get behind new bankable infrastructure projects.

However, local and provincial government will be the pivot around which the infrastructure revolution revolves.

"We plan to work with local and provincial government to develop a coordinated approach to infrastructure development throughout the country."

Macpherson committed to making Infrastructure South Africa (ISA) the focal point of infrastructure planning in South Africa.

"We cannot afford fragmented infrastructure development, which has only delivered indifferent results. ISA is expected to lead to a conducive environment for increasing private-sector investment owing to its role of ensuring infrastructure projects are well-packaged and are financially viable."

"I have engaged with the President and Cabinet about ISA playing a bigger role, as well as to broaden the funding models for infrastructure development. I will have more meetings with relevant Ministers and the National Treasury to see how we will work together," Macpherson said.

Infrastructure is the foundation of the economy. Physical and social infrastructure is necessary for sustainable growth and development, and infrastructure networks can improve productivity, attract investment and enhance the wellbeing of people.

"Transformation of the economy and creation of jobs can only come from economic growth. They are not mutually exclusive, and this is why every entity must help to achieve this target of infrastructure-led development.

"There is no room for delays. We, as the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, stand ready to unleash infrastructure investment in South Africa and give concrete meaning to the vision of turning South Africa into a construction site to improve the lives of all who live here."