Updated Doropo PFS indicates increased resource confidence

29th November 2022 By: Tasneem Bulbulia - Deputy Editor Online

An updated prefeasibility study (PFS) into gold miner Centamin’s Doropo project, in north-eastern Côte d'Ivoire, has demonstrated potential operating and capital cost-saving opportunities within the processing flowsheet, as well as resource growth potential within the licence area.

“The Doropo PFS workstreams are advancing well and delivering positive results. Following the completion of an extensive infill drilling programme throughout 2021 and 2022, we have now delivered the first mineral resource estimate constrained in pit shells, with 2.5-million ounces in the indicated category eligible to be assessed for inclusion in the maiden reserves estimate.

“The indicated resource grade of 1.52 g/t gold should support improved project economics given it exceeds the 1.25 g/t gold average feed grade assumed in the 2021 preliminary economic assessment (PEA). In addition, the exploration team has successfully identified a number of targets for follow-up drilling that show potential to deliver further resource growth,” comments CEO Martin Horgan.

Moreover, as part of the PFS metallurgical test work programme, Centamin has identified an opportunity to remove the flotation and regrind circuit that was outlined in the PEA, in favour of a whole of ore leach flowsheet.

Given the potential to deliver considerable capital and operating cost savings, it is undertaking further comparative test work ahead of publishing the outcome of the PFS which is now expected in the first half of 2023, Horgan says.

This will enable the inclusion of the results of the mineral processing and metallurgical test work upside opportunity.