As young engineers navigate the challenges of the future, it is crucial that they are equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and ethical principles to drive sustainable change. This was the overarching theme of the 12th CESA Young Professionals (YPF) Sustainability Imbizo recently held in Midrand.
"With the Imbizo, we aim to identify problems and come up with solutions. Engineers are problem solvers,” said Godfrey Ramalisa, Stakeholder Liaison Manager at CESA. “Without competent and ethical engineering skills applied to our rural and urban environments in our efforts to develop infrastructure, there will be little, if any provision for water, sanitation services, housing, power supply, stormwater systems and road services all of which are vital for a functional society both rural and urban. Without such amenities which lead to economic growth, inequality, unemployment and poverty, will continue to prevail,” he added.
CESA YPF National Chair, Uzair Osman, added that the Imbizo played a vital role in preparing the next generation of engineers for the challenges ahead. “Most of our delegates learned concepts that they knew of but did not necessarily know how to implement in their daily activities and careers. The Imbizo also allowed them to connect and learn from each other,” he noted.