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Sasol, GrnCat welcome success of solution to recover wax from spent catalysts
9th February 2021 By: Donna Slater

In keeping with its goal of responsible production and consumption, petrochemicals and chemicals manufacturer Sasol and waste management company GrnCat, have partnered on the recovery ofwax from... 

The design of these low-maintenance units prevents the possibility of pollutants being released into the medium
Pumps design to handle flow, pressure of liquids
5th February 2021

Engineering solutions provider BMG’s SEIM spindle screw pumps efficiently handle a range of liquids – such as oils – at different flows and various pressures. BMG is the exclusive distributor of... 

Afrox invests in a new speciality gases plant
4th February 2021 By: Creamer Media Reporter

Afrox, sub-Saharan Africa’s market leader in gases and welding products, has recently completed a new made-to-order speciality gases plant in response to rising market demand for complex gas... 

Growth in use of bioplastics must be part of holistic policy approach to sustainability, says TIPS
2nd February 2021 By: Schalk Burger

South Africa must leverage a range of policy interventions, from developing new production inputs, incentives and taxes, to public procurement and consumer engagement initiatives, to effectively... 

Energy multinational outlines South Africa’s $100bn green hydrogen export opportunity
Energy multinational outlines South Africa’s $100bn green hydrogen export opportunity
2nd February 2021 By: Terence Creamer

French energy multinational Engie says that South Africa is ideally positioned, by virtue of its solar and wind endowments, to emerge as a global leader in the production of green hydrogen and... 

Sasol to report higher interim EPS, HEPS but lower Ebitda
29th January 2021 By: Marleny Arnoldi

Petrochemicals giant Sasol expects to deliver a strong set of results for the six months ended December 31, 2020, despite the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, a severe decline in crude oil prices... 

Drones have good lighting and high-resolution imaging technology that can take accurate images of the environment within a boiler
Drone tech allows for expansion
29th January 2021 By: Theresa Bhowan-Rajah

With technology advancement in the drone industry and drone access expanding from military to commercial use, rope access specialists Skyriders found that drones could be successfully used in the... 

Lake Charles Chemicals Project, US
Lake Charles Chemicals Project, US
15th January 2021 By: Sheila Barradas

Sasol’s linear low-density polyethyleneunit at the Lake Charles Chemicals Project reached beneficial operation on November 15. 

Divestment of Sasol's interest in Gemini JV finalised
4th January 2021 By: Marleny Arnoldi

JSE-listed petrochemicals giant Sasol says the divestment of its 50% interest in the Gemini high-density polyethylene (HDPE) joint venture to Ineos Olefins and Polymers US successfully closed on... 

Pensana selects location for UK rare earth processing facility
7th December 2020 By: Donna Slater

ASX- and LSE-listed magnet metal and rare earth miner Pensana Rare Earths reports that the Saltend Chemicals Park in the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership has been selected as the proposed site... 

Sasol's JV with LyondellBasell now established
Sasol's JV with LyondellBasell now established
2nd December 2020 By: Reuters

South Africa's Sasol said on Wednesday its Louisiana Integrated Polyethylene joint venture (JV) with chemical company LyondellBasell Industries had been established, following closure of the deal... 

Minerals and gas potential in NT highlighted
1st December 2020 By: Esmarie Iannucci

The final report from the Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission (TERC) has found that a step change in the level of private investment would be required to fuel economic growth and jobs in... 

Moerdijk petrochemicals complex upgrade, The Netherlands
Moerdijk petrochemicals complex upgrade, The Netherlands
20th November 2020 By: Sheila Barradas

Shell is replacing the ethylene steam cracker furnaces at its Moerdijk petrochemicals complex. 

Lake Charles Chemicals Project , US
Lake Charles Chemicals Project , US
20th November 2020 By: Sheila Barradas

Sasol’s linear low-density polyethylene unit has reached beneficial operation. 

Renewable energy's role in rebuilding our economy
19th November 2020

The world has seen significant progress being made toward lowering the cost of solar and wind generation, with new low and zero-carbon generation solutions being deployed every day. While much has... 

A 100 t mobile crane at Sarens Siba's Brits depot
Sarens Siba branches out into Brits to better serve its mining clients
19th November 2020 By: Donna Slater

Crane company Sarens Siba has opened a new mining-specific crane depot in Brits to service the needs of mines in the greater Rustenburg region. The depot will house mobile and all-terrain cranes... 

Preventive maintenance usually starts with non-destructive testing, often through visual inspections, ultrasonic wall-thickness testing or x-ray testing
Preventive maintenance an active solution
13th November 2020 By: Theresa Bhowan-Rajah

In large operating plants, whether power generation, or petrochemicals, rope access specialists Skyriders strongly recommends that clients carry out preventive, rather than reactive, maintenance.... 

Renewable energy’s role in rebuilding our economy
9th November 2020

The world has seen significant progress being made toward lowering the cost of solar and wind generation, with new low and zero-carbon generation solutions being deployed every day. While much has... 

The Garlock sealing solutions offered by BMG have proven effective in many environments
Bearing isolators faring well in bearings sector
6th November 2020

Bearings distributor BMG tells Engineering News that its Garlock Klozure and Guardian Bearing Isolators have fared notably well subsequent to being introduction to the BMG range of isolators. A... 

BMG’s range of Jasic welding equipment comprises arc inverter welders, tungsten inert gas, metal inert gas metal active gas welders and plasma cutters
Latest equipment supplied to industry
6th November 2020

Engineering components provider BMG is committed to assisting industry create a healthy, clean and safe environment for welding procedures. This is achieved through the supply of the latest... 

The role of the NFTN is to endorse a competitive market within South African foundries
Industry body promotes support interventions for local foundries
6th November 2020 By: Theresa Bhowan-Rajah

Industry support provider the National Foundry Technology Network (NFTN) is promoting pressure-equipment-directive support interventions in the local foundry industry and these interventions are in... 

ENERGYValves boasts a vast stock-holding of its flagship range of competitively priced ball valves which can be considered as commodity products
Company holds premium reputation in valves industry
6th November 2020

Stainless steel and special alloy valves supplier Energy Valves, a division of single-source supplier of corrosion resistant and other specialist alloys EMVAfrica, holds a solid reputation as a... 

Many of the staff at Stewart & Lloyds Booysens branch have worked at the store for more than 20 years
Steel supplier relaunches flagship store
23rd October 2020

Steel supplier Stewarts & Lloyds has designed a new retail experience, offering a wider range of products and stock at its flagship store in Booysens, which is expected to facilitate the growth of... 

New Australian push for critical mineral investment
21st October 2020 By: Esmarie Iannucci

The federal government has launched its second edition of the Australian Critical Minerals Prospectus, showcasing the country’s significant capability in critical minerals in a bid to attract... 

KZN govt reaches out to Engen amid its oil refinery considerations
9th October 2020 By: Marleny Arnoldi

KwaZulu-Natal Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube has tasked the Trade & Investment Council KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN) to look into the matter of the Engen Oil... 

Flammable fuel is unloaded for bulk storage and handling at a bulk fuel offloading wharf, as DoseTech supplied a complete fire-protection system
Company supplies fire-protection systems to harbour facility
9th October 2020 By: Cameron Mackay

Special fire-risk protection equipment supplier DoseTech has supplied a comprehensive fire-protection system to a new bulk fuel offloading wharf that is being built at the Port of Ngqura harbour,... 

These hoists, which offer swift lifting and lowering speeds for increased productivity, are designed to safely handle rated loads between 2.5 t and 50 t
Lifting equipment provides reliability, increased productivity
9th October 2020

Included in equipment supplier Becker Mining South Africa’s range of equipment manufacturer Kito lifting equipment, is the durable Kito high-speed CB manual chain hoist series, which is suitable... 

Lake Charles Chemicals Project, US – update
Lake Charles Chemicals Project, US – update
9th October 2020 By: Sheila Barradas

Sasol has announced a $2-billion joint venture agreement with LyondellBasell for the project. 

NDT comprises a number of techniques that enables Skyriders to evaluate and test the integrity of a structure, component or system
NDT viable in volatile environments
2nd October 2020 By: Theresa Bhowan-Rajah

Rope access specialist Skyriders provides non-destructive testing (NDT) for a large petrochemicals producer in South Africa. “NDT comprises a number of techniques that enable us to evaluate and... 

Some of South African metal fabricators only undertaking non-destructive testing to ensure that they are fabrication- and design-code compliant
4IR key to advanced NDT service
2nd October 2020 By: Tracy Hancock

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is an extremely significant focus for material testing and inspection services specialist Dekra Industrial because the collection and interpretation of data... 

Sasol has committed to fund 25 additional Packa-Ching mobile units across South Africa
Innovative recycling initiative receives funding
2nd October 2020

Recycling company Packa-Ching has seen community residents across South Africa making an income by selling their recyclable packaging, shifting a change in behaviour towards packaging waste and... 

The PAPR system purifies air by sucking it through a series of specific air filters, subsequently delivering clean, purified air into the helmet for the welder to breathe
Safe and certified welding supply
2nd October 2020

With fully certified technology being necessary to improve the quality, quantity and safety in the chemicals and petrochemicals environment, integrated gas and welding distributor Unique Welding... 

Lake Charles Chemicals Project, US – update
Lake Charles Chemicals Project, US – update
2nd October 2020 By: Sheila Barradas

Sasol has completed damage assessments of its Lake Charles Chemical Complex following the landfall of Hurricane Laura on August 27. 

Glencore's Raglan Mine in Canada.
Green hydrogen economy growing rapidly – Hatch
25th September 2020 By: Martin Creamer

At Glencore’s Raglan Mine, in Canada, a closed loop, microgrid system converts excess wind power to hydrogen, which is then stored in tanks. During periods of low wind power, a fuel cell produces... 

Being able to safely complete a task while suspended from a structure takes a specialised team which Skyriders offers
Maintenance work completed during lockdown
25th September 2020 By: Halima Frost

A team of eight work-at-height specialists representing rope access company Skyriders has safely completed the cleaning and maintenance of two storage tanks at a petrochemicals producer, in... 

In 2018, 46.3% of all plastics placed on the market was collected for recycling in South Africa, with 352 000 t of plastics recycled
Industry body submits plastic-waste guidelines to govt
25th September 2020 By: Tracy Hancock

South African plastics industry representative Plastics SA along with industry body Packaging SA and producer responsibility organisations (PROs) of various packaging waste streams submitted... 

Cleanup under way at Sasol's Lake Charles following hurricane
22nd September 2020 By: Simone Liedtke

Petrochemicals company Sasol has completed damage assessments of its Lake Charles Chemical Complex’s 14 manufacturing facilities, associated utilities and infrastructure following the landfall of... 

Although pressures to eliminate coal fired power stations remain strong coal still powers the majority of the world
Coal remains dominant despite Paris Agreement
18th September 2020 By: Halima Frost

Coal still remains the biggest source of power generation globally, despite the omnipresent notion of a coal-free world, driven by the 2015 Paris Agreement, according to petrochemicals company BP’s... 

Baseload concentrated solar power can boost SA towards green-industry economy
Baseload concentrated solar power can boost SA towards green-industry economy
11th September 2020

Frank Duvenhage, Pancho Ndebele and Robey Labuschagne lament that concentrated solar power – which uses the thermal part of sunlight to heat water into steam, spin a turbine and run a generator –... 

Sasol, Air Liquide enter into sales agreement for ASU business
10th September 2020 By: Marleny Arnoldi

Petrochemicals giant Sasol South Africa has announced that it and Air Liquide have concluded negotiations for the proposed R8.5-billion sale of Sasol’s air separation units (ASUs) at the company’s... 

Sasol gives insight into its automation, digital journey
Sasol gives insight into its automation, digital journey
9th September 2020 By: Simone Liedtke

Implementing a digital transformation strategy is a “must”, rather than an option, and is driven by both external and internal forces, petrochemicals company Sasol Chemicals digital lead Oratile... 

The Gen III foam proportioner can handle all types of foam agents, even highly viscous, alcohol-resistant and fluorine-free foam agents
New proportioning system ideal for refineries
4th September 2020 By: Darren Parker

Fire-suppression systems developer FireDos launched the third generation (Gen III) of its foam proportioners for fire extinguishing systems globally at the end of last year. The technology has... 

BIG DELIVERIES The components for the refinery project consisted of multiple shipments delivered to the purpose-built Dangote Quay Lekki in Lagos
Heavy equipment demobilised after project completion
4th September 2020

Heavy equipment lifting and transporting company Mammoet recently began demobilising equipment it had deployed at the Dangote Petroleum Refinery and Petrochemical complex in Lekki Free Zone, in... 

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Weir is a global leader in mining technology. We recognise that our planet’s future depends on the transition to renewable energy, and that...

John Ratcliffe
John Ratcliffe

At John Ratcliffe, we are aftermarket specialists for heavy-duty on and off-road vehicles. We engineer and retrofit advanced safety systems, engine...

VEGA Controls SA (Pty) Ltd
VEGA Controls SA (Pty) Ltd

For over 60 years, VEGA has provided industry-leading products for the measurement of level, density, weight and pressure. As the inventor of the...

Goodwin Submersible Pumps Africa (Pty) Ltd
Goodwin Submersible Pumps Africa (Pty) Ltd

Goodwin Submersible Pumps Africa is sole distributors for Goodwin electrically driven, submersible, abrasion resistance slurry pumps.


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