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South Africa’s reserves of key minerals are still high, but that it will take a long time to unlock them
Industry changes impact on explosives sector
18th October 2019 By: Mamaili Mamaila

Owing to low overall business confidence, year-on-year mining production declining by more than 4% and volatility across all mineral commodities, the explosives industry has remained relatively... 

The future of pump technology may be in optimal system integration rather than the pump itself
Marked increase in company’s pump refurbishment orders
13th September 2019 By: Mamaili Mamaila

Pumps supplier Mechanical Rotating Solutions (MRS) has witnessed a marked increase in refurbishment orders for its pumps division in the first quarter of 2019 – as opposed to new installations –... 

Indian unions call strike to protest FDI in coal industry
10th September 2019 By: Ajoy K Das

Trade unions representing workers in the Indian coal mining industry have announced a strike for September 24, to protest the recent government decision to allow 100% foreign direct investment in... 

African states must use digitalisation to accelerate growth – Siemens
African states must use digitalisation to accelerate growth – Siemens
27th August 2019 By: African News Agency

Digitalisation offers Africa the opportunity to accelerate growth and rapidly expand struggling economies, but decision-makers must get strategies in place quickly in order to succeed, industrial... 

SA mining supply chain firms struggling but current efforts raise hopes of better fortunes
SA mining supply chain firms struggling but current efforts raise hopes of better fortunes
23rd August 2019 By: Simone Liedtke

With the advent of democracy in South Africa, the ease of procurement globally put local manufacturers on “very shaky ground”, as they had to compete internationally almost overnight, while their... 

With refining still taking place in South Africa, there is more opportunity for beneficiation at primary and secondary production level in Zimbabwe
Uncertainty clouds prospects of recovery for PGMs sector
23rd August 2019 By: Mamaili Mamaila

Southern Africa’s current position as a leading platinum group metals (PGMs) producer is certain, with more than 90% of global reserves situated in South Africa and Zimbabwe, says specialist... 

The MQi measures mineral grade, elemental grade and particle size in-line and in real-time
Company to increase PGMs footprint through MQi instrument
23rd August 2019 By: Mamaili Mamaila

Minerals processing solutions company Blue Cube Systems plans to increase its market share in the South African platinum group metals (PGMs) sector through its Blue Cube Mineral Quantifier Inline... 

SA mining supply chain firms struggling but current efforts raise hopes of better fortunes
SA mining supply chain firms struggling but current efforts raise hopes of better fortunes
23rd August 2019 By: Simone Liedtke

With the advent of democracy in South Africa, the ease of procurement globally put local manufacturers on “very shaky ground”, as they had to compete internationally almost overnight, while their... 

South Africa needs to be able to produce steel domestically and cost efficiently
M&E Indaba focuses on Industry 4.0
16th August 2019 By: Mamaili Mamaila

For its fifth annual indaba in September, the Southern African Metals and Engineering Indaba (M&E Indaba) will focus on Industry 4.0, as it affects the metals and engineering (M&E) sector. 

Steasa intends to foster closer collaborative agreements between the downstream steel tube and pipe industry and the primary industry
Steel crucial in Africa’s industrialisation aspirations
16th August 2019 By: Mamaili Mamaila

South Africa and Africa more broadly are attempting to develop their economies through industrialisation and steel forms the basic material of choice for this economic transformation, says the... 

Galantas to raise cash for Omagh optimisation efforts
6th August 2019 By: Creamer Media Reporter

Aim- and TSX-V quoted Galantas Gold on Tuesday announced a private placement of common shares to raise up to £1-million, or C$1.6-million, to fund optimisation efforts at the Omagh gold mine, in... 

High impact
High impact
12th July 2019 By: Terence Creamer

Britain’s got Brexit, America has Trump and South Africa’s got corruption. When such powerful single-issue themes permeate just about every political and economic development, a country can easily... 

Local Manufacturing Expo highlights the demand for local products
8th July 2019

There is a driving need to increase the volume of locally manufactured goods. By growing the capacity to increase the quantity of local content for both local and international consumption, the... 

Roger Dixon
Concerted effort needed to arrest decline in South Africa’s gold, platinum output – Dixon
28th June 2019 By: Nadine James

Gold and platinum mines in South Africa exemplify the Albert Einstein quote on insanity, consulting engineer and industry expert Roger Dixon noted at an African Mining Network event on Thursday... 

The transition to modernised mining needs to afford all stakeholders the chance to develop policies and programmes which ensure sustainability beyond minin
Modernisation process could assist economic prosperity
17th May 2019 By: Nadine James

The industry needs to modernise, “but let’s be clear about what modernisation is not – it is not simply mechanisation, it is far more than that”, says Minerals Council South Africa modernisation... 

Two-month skills development course concluded
Two-month skills development course concluded
9th November 2018 By: Nadine James

Mining Equipment Manufacturers of South Africa (MEMSA) concluded its first skills development activity last week – a two-month skills course on implementing globally competitive manufacturing... 

Maseve platinum mine, South Africa
Maseve platinum mine, South Africa
14th July 2017 By: Sheila Barradas

PTM is considering a transition to a hybrid mining method at its Maseve mine. 

Implats trial of safety  packed drill rig imminent
Implats trial of safety packed drill rig imminent
19th May 2017 By: Simone Liedtke

The Safe Quality Stoping (SQS) face advance drill rig from Brits-based mining machinery manufacturer GST Drilling will be trialled at platinum miner Impala Platinum’s (Implats’) E&F operation, in... 

On-The-Air (03/02/2017)
On-The-Air (03/02/2017)
3rd February 2017 By: Martin Creamer

A new junior mining fund is opening the way for small mining companies to enter the fray. I am going to sit up straight, because I’m sure many of our listeners also want to know more about this. 

INCREASED SIGNIFICANCE Over the past three years, between 30% and 40% of mining companies worldwide have increased the amount they spent on information technology
Digital transformation now a top priority for mines worldwide – analyst
3rd February 2017 By: Ilan Solomons

There is a growing recognition among mining companies globally that the adoption of new technologies will play a vital role in how their operations function in future, states research and... 

Maseve platinum mine, South Africa
Maseve platinum mine, South Africa
3rd February 2017 By: Sheila Barradas

Platinum group Metals has closed its public offering of common shares, raising more than the $25-million it had initially planned to raise. 

The effective mechanisation of a mine comprises three important factors – process excellence, operational excellence and energy efficiency
Mechanisation of mines inevitable
4th November 2016 By: Aarifah Nosarka

The African mining sector is under pressure to become three times more efficient in minerals processing to ensure its sustainability amid low commodity prices, producing more product at a lower... 

USURPER Mozambique's coal prospects are attracting significant foreign investment and its coal sector may outstrip South Africa's in the near future
South African coal industry needs to pursue mechanisation
16th September 2016 By: Nadine James

South African coal industry stakeholders need to pursue mechanisation if the industry is serious about streamlining operations and improving efficiencies, stresses international market research... 

On-The-Air (02/09/2016)
On-The-Air (02/09/2016)
2nd September 2016 By: Martin Creamer

CEOs warned this week that platinum mining is going to ‘drop off a cliff’ because of huge under investment.The CSIR warned this week that mining needs a major change of mining method to survive.... 

Panel discussions, case studies and networking opportunities at the conference will enable delegates to gain much-needed insights into what the future holds for mining
SAIMM to host ‘high impact’ forums at Electra Mining
2nd September 2016 By: Ilan Solomons

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) is offering the opportunity for mining industry stakeholders to participate in three, four-hour “high-impact forums” with top... 

CSIR Natural Resources and Environment executive director May Hermanus
Significant changes to South African mining methods required – Hermanus
31st August 2016 By: Ilan Solomons

If there is no substantial change in the mining methods used in South Africa, gold and platinum mining could cease in 2033 and 2029, respectively, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research... 

international NDT institutions have to remain relevant to technicians and the younger generation of professionals within NDT
New technology for NDT technicians in South Africa
15th July 2016 By: Simon Sonnekus

South African non-destructive testing (NDT) technicians can possibly look forward to the global influx of new technology, following the completion of the nineteenth World Conference on NDT held in... 

A restorative project being undertaken by Ncamso involves removing contaminated waste so that land can be developed for hydroponic fish farming
Weighing the effect of mining mechanisation
27th May 2016 By: Kimberley Smuts

Materials handling and hauling company Ncamiso Mining is looking to acquire more mechanised systems, as this should increase its productivity by between 60% and 70%. However, to create jobs,... 

Zambia Deputy Agriculture and Livestock Minister Maxas Ng'onga
Zambia Agri Minister emphasises need to diversify beyond copper
8th April 2016 By: Tracy Hancock

Copper, a significant economic driver in Zambia, had taken the country so far but would not be able to take it any further, said Zambian Deputy Agriculture and Livestock Minister Maxas Ng’onga on... 

ILLEGAL MINING Galamsey activities are stifling economic growth and damaging the environment in Ghana
New Act to curb illegal mining in Ghana
8th April 2016 By: Robyn Wilkinson

Enforcing the new Minerals and Mining Amendment Act (MMAA) No 900 of 2014 will do much to reduce the onslaught of illegal, or galamsey, miners on mining concessions in Ghana, claims Ghana Chamber... 

Cohesive solutions needed to overcome turbulent period – Lonmin
18th February 2016 By: Ilan Solomons

With over 80% of platinum miners incurring losses owing to low platinum prices and rising operating costs, all industry stakeholders must come together to find sustainable solutions to the... 

CREATING COMPETITIVENESS Mechanised and automated technologies are viewed as key indicators of a more competitive mining industry
Mines must consider social impacts before adopting mechanisation
9th October 2015 By: Ilan Solomons

An understanding of the nature of a modernised mining environment is necessitated by the fact that a modernised mine will impact both the physical health and safety of individuals employed by the... 

Agriculture a national asset that should not be subjected to political and economic uncertainty
Agriculture a national asset that should not be subjected to political and economic uncertainty
2nd October 2015 By: Creamer Media Reporter

Political uncertainty was currently the single biggest challenge in agriculture in South Africa, said Efficient Group chief economist Dawie Roodt. Speaking this week, he noted that the amount of... 

The 2015 Joburg Indaba, which will take place at the Inanda Club, in Johannesburg from October 14 to15, aims to provide a positive narrative in overcoming industry challenges to progress to a better future
This year’s Joburg Indaba slated for mid-October
14th August 2015 By: Ilan Solomons

The 2015 Joburg Indaba will paint a picture of how the future mining industry will be defined and what stakeholders are prepared to action, asserts investment conference organiser Resources 4... 

Mike Rossouw
Work with govt to simplify mining policy – Rossouw
1st July 2015 By: Martin Creamer

The time had come for the private sector to start making it clear that it wished to work with government to simplify mining policy and collaborate towards less regulation and greater... 

Paul Jourdan
Mine mechanisation linked to local equipment retains jobs – Jourdan
30th June 2015 By: Martin Creamer

Resource development strategist Dr Paul Jourdan this week called for the local manufacture of mechanised mining equipment to neutralise job losses during the switch to machines. The former Mintek... 

Creamer Media publishes Real Economy Insight: Platinum 2015 brief
Creamer Media publishes Real Economy Insight: Platinum 2015 brief
30th June 2015

This seven-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the platinum industry over the past 12 months, including industry restructuring, mechanisation and automation, supply and demand, and the... 

Using people in deep-level operations is a challenge for mining companies because not only does making the underground environment suitable for workers become more costly but the risk to mineworkers also increases
South African mining industry committed to mechanisation
3rd April 2015 By: Bruce Montiea

The South African mining industry is committed to mechanisation in its deep-level mining operations, with major gold and platinum producers having announced their intent to modernise their... 

Wireless communication can help mines achieve zero harm
20th February 2015 By: Zandile Mavuso

In support of South Africa’s Mining Health and Safety Council’s quest for zero harm, telecommunications equipment company Huawei Technologies believes that the use of wireless communications... 

When The John Deere Combine Phones, Senwes Village Mechanisation Already Knows From super smart tractors and combines that can phone you, to customised ways to pay for it, all formed part of the opportunity that John Deere and Senwes Village Mechanisatio
22nd October 2014

From super smart tractors and combines that can phone you, to customised ways to pay for it, all formed part of the opportunity that John Deere and Senwes Village Mechanisation recently created to... 

Dr Declan Vogt
Mining mechanisation urgent, says new Wits mining centre director
12th September 2014 By: Martin Creamer

South African mining must mechanise to become more productive, says new Witwatersrand University Centre for Mechanised Mining Systems (CMMS) director Dr Declan Vogt, who adds that research has a... 

Garatau platinum project, South Africa
Garatau platinum project, South Africa
12th September 2014

Nkwe Platinum is preparing the Garatau project for full-scale mine production. 

On-The-Air (01/08/2014)
On-The-Air (01/08/2014)
1st August 2014 By: Martin Creamer

The level of productivity in South African coal mines is below that of Australian coal mines 

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Introducing the Rio-Carb Smart Chute Concept - a revolutionary advancement in materials handling, designed for the toughest industries like mining...


Weir is a global leader in mining technology. We recognise that our planet’s future depends on the transition to renewable energy, and that...


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Hanna Instruments (Pty) Ltd
Hanna Instruments (Pty) Ltd

We supply customers with practical affordable solutions for their testing needs. Our products include benchtop, portable, in-line process control...


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